Monirobo Deployed to Furishima Nuclear Daiichi Power Station

Japan is now experiencing their Nuclear Crisis due to devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake last March 11, 2011. One of the major affected of this disaster is the Furishima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. It was reportedly that Japan had deployed robots which are remotely controlled to that said contaminated plant which are harmful to humans.

The purpose of these monirobo is to measure the radiation level to the contaminated site. There are two colors available: red and yellow. The named "Monirobo" was derived from "Moni" which means monitor and "robo" which means robot and was developed by Nuclear Technology Center, at Japan's Ministry of Education.

Monirobo is about 32 inches long, 52 inches in diameter, 52 inches high and weighs about 1,300 pounds. It can travel up to 131 ft or 40m per minute. It has camera and mechanical arms with various measuring instruments. It can also be operated remotely from a distance up to 1.1 km.

Japan is really intelligent in terms of technology. With the technology they have, they can use it in terms of crisis like this. Go Japan!